davisenvy wrote:
If you don't believe in diesel fuel additives and say they are a waste of money, this thread isn't for you.
I came across this test the other day. It came out in 2007. I'm not the most scientific guy so I'm looking for some input from some of you that are.
The one thing I noticed is that in the Opti Lube test they used double the amount(.5oz/gal)instead of the recommended amount(.25oz/gal)by the manufacturer. Does this mean it doubled the results of this test? In other words, if they used the recommended amount of .25oz/gal would the results have been half as good as reported.
And sorry, but to answer your question directly,I am well aware of this study but have no knowledge of the accuracy of the testing or information contained...nor of the effects of lessor more of an additive being added to a tank. In general, it seems like they all say overdosing is not an issue...but may not provide increased protection.
I have always been a little suspicious of the study because it seems to appear in a bit of a vacuum and I have no knowledge of their test methods or validity of their test procedures. For that matter, I have no knowledge of the safety of some of the lesser known additives. Now, having said that...I sure do think you are right to keep using an additive!