Cummins12V98 wrote:
This is FACT. The 1994 Dodge/Cummins trucks that were made prior to 1/1/1994 DID NOT have a CAT, the ones that were made 1/1/94 and thru mfg date of 12/31/1997 DID have a CAT. The pre Cat 94's had a section of exhaust pipe where the Cat would go starting 1/1/94.
So my question is it a "sin" to remove the CAT and buy the section of pipe that Chrysler has sitting on their shelves and install in place of the cat on the ones that came with a CAT?
Simple answer is YES you broke the law! My 2001.5 did not have a CAT and was under 10K GVWR so it was not against the law to modify the exhaust. Time box yes! Stage 1 injectors that were noted to run cleaner than the stock ones??? Different turbo??? Are they going to go after these trucks? Depends on where you live! If they raise the hood on my BIL 2008 RAM and see the EGR stuff gone and block plates bolted in its place he might have a problem, even though he bought it used that way. I believe the seller gave him a box of stuff that was removed.
Our son is a part owner of a large wholesale exhaust company. They no longer stock any delete pipes or parts. They have retail clients that have been visited by the EPA and requested to cease and desist doing mods and pointed to individual vehicles that they had worked on. Fines have not YET trickled down to individuals or shops, they have been fining the large manufacturers, trying to stop it at the source.