Diesels are impacted more by the tuners than gas engines. I have used two different tuners on my Ford Diesel. My first tuner was a Hypermax Econ tuner and I picked up 2 MPG both towing and not towing. The truck had noticeably more power when the tuner was used. I'm now using an SCT tuner that, according to SCT, can add 150 HP to my engine. I can notice a huge difference when I installed that tune, however the tune is not safe for stock engines or for towing. I switched the tune back to a towing tune which adds only 60 HP to the engine and my mileage went back to the levels I was getting with no aftermarket tuning.
I believe that the advertising says that the tuner will add about 36 HP to a gas engine.
You have to be careful using a tuner, especially when towing. I'm pretty sure that the tuner was responsible for a blown head gasket on my truck. It advanced the fuel advance curve and boost and created too much cylinder pressure for the stock engine.