PackerBacker wrote:
I'm just really confused that I have 4 tires with payloads of 2601 lbs each yet I can only load a total of 1218 lbs on my truck when the truck manufacturer says I can load 1485 lbs.
Bravo for admitting an error. We all make mistakes. Not everyone admits and learns from it.
Tire loading is hopefully always greater than truck GVWR and half of each axle rating. The tire mfr does not know what kind of vehicle it will be installed on. Could have 5000 GVWR or 10000 GVWR. And again, the max load is at max pressure. The vehicle manufacturer picks the recommended tire pressure as a compromise between tire life, ride, handling, and load which is lower at lower than max tire pressure.
Where do your 1218 and 1485 numbers come from?