Forum Discussion

Rism47's avatar
Apr 26, 2016

Dometic fridge

Hi all, I just bought a used tt trail-lite 8280. It has a Dometic rm2652 2 way fridge in it. When I tried to use it it had no power from the inside controls. After reading online I checked 120v at rear of fridge to control board and it was good. Checked 12v and it ended at the thermal fuse in the boiler covering. I presses the reset and the fridge kicked on. That fuse keeps tripping after only 2-5 minutes. Also there is a yellow haze on the boiler cover which if I'm correct may be the ammonia refrigerant. Any advise?

  • If you camp with hook ups you can install a
    residential fridge. Cheaper uses compressor.
    No propane - good thing.
  • theres a shop in indiana that rebuilds these frigs mbetter than new and half the cost. some one might chime in with the name.
  • The yellow means you have a leak. The refrigerator or the cooling unit must be replaced.

    Do NOT attempt to use it as is, a severe fire hazard exists.