towpro wrote:
interested to see what you find broke. in my 20's I had a Pontiac with a 350 cid. at the end of its life, just before scrapping it we drained the oil out, put a brick on the throttle and started the engine to see what would happen. After 15 minutes it was still screaming so I got tired of the noise and turned the key off.
I bet there was a catastrophic hard part failure like a rod big end that broke, the oil light came on when the rod cap let all the oil pressure out. but the engine seized when parts of the rod got jammed into the crank/block. Did any holes open up in block?
When I get the engine out, we'll do a little exploratory surgery to see what happened. I found no debris in the oil filter but the filter was nearly empty. It always flows oil down the sides during normal removal for oil changes. The best guess now is the tube of the oil pickup developed a crack all of a sudden and began admitting air into the pump which caused loss of suction to get oil up from the pan. If the pump simply broke, there would be oil in the filter. The reason your old engine ran for 15 minutes was probably no load on it. I was coming up a hill with a 3000 pound camper on.