Forum Discussion

  • mooring product wrote:
    Could make money on the aluminum siding.

    Maybe a couple bucks. You get squat for it because its painted, however, the recycler will make a tidy profit.
  • I have looked to buy camps ( property ) where the real estate describes that as "it includes an RV that can be used while you build your new camp."
    How about "seller is leaving his trash for you to get rid of."
  • Without getting too much into politics (I heavily redacted my thoughts on this one), I discourage socializing everything which includes trash collection. People need to have their feet put to the fire and take responsibility for their actions. If you cannot afford to maintain or dispose of something, you should have thought twice about acquiring it in the first place. Why would you burden others with your trash by illegally dumping or having a program created to subsidize your poor choices?
  • IMO, most of the people that dump stuff like that are too poor to be able to afford to dispose of it properly. Doesn't make it right but often these people are the same ones that have no respect for the environment. Here in the States, it costs about $15-20 to dispose of a mattress in the landfill. That's EACH spring + mattress = $40. That's a lot for someone making $7/hour at WalMart. Goodwill or St. Vinnie's won't even take a lot of used stuff.

    From the looks of that camper, it's worthless but I bet it would've cost the perp about $100-200 to dispose of it properly. For that same low wage earner, that's a weeks pay. If the politicians want to really 'solve' the problem of illegal dumping, find a way to subsidize the COST to the consumer. IMO, most people are good honest folks that will do the right thing if provided the means to do so....Dennis