Probably the safest electric heaters are the oil filled ones. There surface temperature is below the ignition point for most materials.
Here is a great thread on winter camping. I do heat 100% electrically at -37 c (-34 f).
https://forums.goodsamclub.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/thread/tid/24160748.cfmPR Connection wrote:
I did a search and couldn’t find what I am looking for so here is my question. For those who frequent RV parks with full hook up and camp in the fall with above freezing temps but still cool enough to run some heat at night, do you use the furnace or an electric heater?
If the answer is an electric heater please enlighten me on what heater ( make and model) and why your chose that one?
I have an Arctic fox 990 and wonder where I would put that heater so that its not in the way for everyday use?