pianotuna wrote:
Hi ScottG,
That is truly bad advice. Have you actually inspected a stab connector after it has been used for 1 month of constant use? I have, and it isn't pretty.
The stab connectors are garbage. Get rid of them if it is possible.
ScottG wrote:
Never had any problems with the so-called "Stab connectors" in any RV and running a space heater. Been doing so for a couple of decades and never had one get warm. They are UL and CSA rated for the full load just like normal residential outlets and there are 10's of millions of RV's using them without issue.
So I would not worry about changing the outlets, just monitor for heat like you should with any space heater.
No it's realistic advice and not just old forum wives tales.
And yes, I have taken apart one of those outlets that I used for years to power a space heater. I did so in order to add another outlet.
Our new TT has them as well. Ran the heater last season and kept checking the outlet. It was never even warm and this was in a slideout.
DO you realize that commercial buildings use a very similar connection for everything? No problems there either.
And I can posts pics all day of normal outlets that have overheated - proves nothing.
The proof is in the fact that forum members use them every single day without issue.
It's very bad advice to tell people to just get rid of them since there is no acceptable way to replace them with common outlets in most cases.