tuna fisher wrote:
OK, just got some time to look into this, here's what I found.Have had it on shore power all week. unplugged and no 12v, Checked the panel, had power to it, ck'd fuses all good, ck'd power at the fuses and only 3 were hot the other 4 were not & of course there the one's I need. Then I started the truck and went inside and turned a couple of lights on, nothing, then about a min. later the lights came on, water pump worked with the truck still running. Are you confused yet? Went out turned the truck off, lights stayed on. I then turned all my interior lights on as there all LED, then was going to flush the toilet to use the water pump, when I flicked the bath light(is not LED)everything went off, nothing worked again, weird. Tried to repeat by starting truck but nothing happened this time and I let it run for 10 minutes. I was trying to see if it worked again. Obvious I am not elect.smart just trying things as to try to figure out where the problem might be. What's strange is I never had this problem till I switched to LED inside the TC. Any ideas?
I have experienced similar problems in the past with a TT . It turned out to be a bad bulb . Since you say it didn't start until you switched to LED's ( you didn't say if the LED's are bulb or fixture replacements ) you could try putting the old bulbs back in and see what happens . What puzzles me is that 4 of the fuses are not hot when this happens . This would suggest that the problem is somewhere between the fuses and the battery . Seems remote but could it be the fuse panel ?