This is a neat 30AMP Power plan for most trailers... Gives you an idea what runs off the 120VAC and what runs off the batteries.

The first that comes to my mind is to check the GFCI breakers. I have three in my trailer. These may have other 120VAC receptacles down the line controlled by the one GFCI breaker. Make sure all of these are reset. There are the ones that have the PUSH BUTTON in the center of the receptacle. Just about anywhere you can come in contact with water you should have one installed there.

The charging is accomplished by the converter/charger unit and it has to be plugged into 120VAC. After you are sure it is putting out DC CHARGING VOLTAGEs and you still do not see any increase when looking at the battery 12VDC then you may now have a coupe of fuses blow on the 12VDC Power Distribution Panel. These will be two fuses labeled REVERSE POLARITY. Need to check those.
A DC VOLTMETER goes along way when around RV'ers.. This takes the guessing out of the problems... These are very inexpensives if you don't have one. They cost from $7-$20 dollars from LOWES-WALMART-AMAZON-etc...

Once you get familiar how most of your trailer works this will all become second nature for you...
Just a couple of my thoughts
Roy Ken