Forum Discussion

ellie007's avatar
Aug 10, 2013

Electronic Break Control Question

We have a 24 ft travel trailer we tow with a F150 5.4 L pickup. We have an electronic break control system that has been adjusted for our trailer weight. My husband reaches down and uses the manual override when we are going down mountain passes or steep grades eventhough the breaking system works fine. I hate it when he does that because he has to take his eyes from the road and lean down to reach it. YIKES! Is that necessary? We argue about this everytime he does it. He thinks it makes the trailer more stable going down hill. Can someone out there help us resolve this ongoing dispute? Thanks!
  • ellie007 wrote:
    I hate it when he does that because he has to take his eyes from the road and lean down to reach it. YIKES!

    He probably does not take hiss eyes off the road anymore than if he was talking to you while driving and glanced over to look at you. Do you complain about that, too?
  • YES using the 'manual' control is OK for slowing and controlling trailer.

    You will find this statement (or similar) in brake controller manual
    "Manual operation is used during initial setup and in situations where a slow reduction in speed is desirable."

    As with any brakes....TV/Trailer they should NOT be used excessively when going downgrade (DON'T ride them). Brakes should be applied 'firmly' for short durations to scrub off speed quickly then off the brakes so they have a chance to cool...then repeat
    Downshifting should be used to help control speed....not excessive braking
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    I'm afraid I use mine like this all the time as well haha... I don't have to look down at the lever switch however it is right at knee height and don't need to look at the panel for anything - just slide the lever over... I like using it for just grabbing alittle brakes every now and then while going down the big long grades...

    My brake controller is OEM ford and it doesn't work with the ford brake pedal when your speed is less than 10MPH so I always use the brake slider lever when pulling up to a stop sign especially if it is on a incline..

    I am pretty sure my trailer brake lights come on when I just use my OEM slider lever - If yours doesn't do that then you might use that for a good reason for your hubby to not do that any more hehe... People behind you may not know you are slowing down????

    It certainly is there to use and I think it helps alot with my setup...

    Roy Ken
  • If the brakes are adjusted properly he shouldn't have to touch them.