These warranties are a total waste of money. Take the refund now. What brand & model TT?
Read through all the fine print and you will find that things that rarely fail are covered and things that do often fail aren't covered. Even *IF* if something is covered, dealers are often inept at doing repairs. We had our TT into the dealer to fix things as many as 3 times for the same thing and they just didn't know how to fix them.
Most things fail within the first year of ownership. We had a 2 year warranty and didn't need anything fixed that required a trip to the dealer - the things that did need attention were done by me. Make sure you get the TT into your dealer just before the warranty to get anything needing attention taken care of. If some things are being disputed by the dealer, make sure to keep a "paper" trail of emails. Took us almost one full year before the dealer finally agreed to fix the brakes on our first TT and they ended up doing a total rebuild shortly after the warranty expired. If we hadn't had a record of emails, wouldn't have been fixed.
Taking a TT into a dealer for work can take forever, especially during the camping season. Can take many weeks while it just sits on their lot waiting for factory authorization, waiting for parts to arrive and after the parts arrive, only then does the dealer schedule the work to suit their schedule. Better to learn how to fix things yourself.
Use some of the $2500 to buy some tools to keep in the TT. Use the balance to buy some cool RV accessories and upgrade things.