While it appears that the truck and camper are already purchased....
Be sure to WEIGH your truck with a full tank of fuel before getting the camper.
The dealer will likely fill the water and propane tanks so they can do a complete walk through.
Most campers have "Dry" and "Wet" ratings and one of them is generally posted on a sticker on the back outside wall of the camper. Before you start loading the camper with personal items - weigh it.
You might be surprised! No matter WHAT the weight value listed on the OEM's website or the sticker on the back of the camper says the camper will weigh MORE then what they are telling you.
So why don't they all get sued? Its all in the "fine print". Some OEM's lie more (actual weight is +1000lbs more) than others (a few 100lbs) which could be argued off as variations in manufacturing.
If the camper you purchased was "designed" and "built" for any 1/2ton truck, it might very well 'work' on any 1/2ton truck.
How well that truck handles with the camper and a reasonable amount of gear loaded might just be another story. YMMV.