ShinerBock wrote:
CantCampEnuf wrote:
Great information. Thank you. Think it sound spot on as the big trucks going up were going slow, we were behind them and left lane very busy. So we went up hill slow, 35-40 and at under 2000 rpms. So should I have shifted to 2?
Wow, you just about had the perfect storm right there. Driving slow behind big trucks with no wind getting to the radiator while the EGTs were rising and you were in hot weather. Yeah, I would have put it into 2nd or any gear that got me into 3,000-4,000 rpms if the temps started climbing. I would not have put in manual mode to do it though. With the SelectShift feature on that Ford, you can take away gears while in drive and add them back again once you get going.
Not owning an Ecoboost, I only know what I read and hear about them. But I belive
ShinerBock has provided you with the best answers. And without going out on a tangent!
By the way, I know a Ford F-150 Ecoboost is in my future (2016) so I do all the research that I can on them.