Actually, When you include the actual WORK part of the equation, I am towing 1-2 times a week, usually heavier than the RV trailer when I had one. BUT, still, doing the where I go etc, I do not need a 400/800 motor in a pickup to get to where I am going. Then when I did use the rv, it was weekly from mid dec to mid march as a ski hut in the mtns. So more than 12x per say in this sense.
I do haul a ton or two at work, then hook up a trailer at the same time, depending upon the what, could be from a smaller 2-3K trailer with mowers, or a bobcat. many like myself, just need the torque, and gears, not the HP part per say, as we are only going on ave, less than 45-50 mph most of the time on city and county roads.