Jun 06, 2013Explorer
fire wood
I know some campgrounds do not allow firewood to be brought in. I have seen some folks bring it in and leave it in the truck till they burn it in the fire pit. One guy even started a fire with Kingsfo...
searfoss wrote:I like the "donation" angle. I'll use that the next time I have to have our trees trimmed. I'll tell the tree trimming company that I am not going to pay them because I am "donating" the wood for them to resell. Your neighbor caught a break if someone came and removed a fallen tree for free. Since you reported it, do you KNOW the outcome? The park could have been fined or disciplined in other ways. Maybe they had to dispose of that wood, and any other wood they had in their inventory that they couldn't account for the origin, so their labor removing the tree was wasted. Maybe it is was OK for them to bring in that wood, since it was local, but you bringing in wood that they could not vouch for was not. Just because someone says something, doesn't make it true.(for it to be true it has to have been posted on the internet)6dot6 wrote:This is the REAL REASON the campgrounds ban the wood and blame the government laws.
lol. so i imagine you can buy wood locally for a small fee of say....first born child?
My neighbor cut a tree down and since he worked for NPS he gave most of the wood to the CG in the Federal Forest where he worked, and gave me a portion for camping. I called to make reservations at the CG he gave the wood to, and they told me about the "Outside Wood Ban" I told him the address where my wood came from and he said that since it was outside the Federal Forest Area i could not bring it in, but they did have some for sale, i.e. the wood from the same tree at the same address. I decided to let the NPS know that the camp ground that NPS leased out was selling wood from outside the NPS in violation of law and I won't stay there, nor will my neighbor donate any more wood to them.
If the CG cared about the bugs they would not accept free wood to sell at a profit.
When we went to Elk Neck MD we took construction scrap for the fire, it bug free.