Thanks for all the great responses so far! The dump station link will come in handy. I guess it does make sense to go to the station closest to your camping location rather than the one closest to home. (Sometimes that will be the same but not always!)
dadmomh, we've gone back and forth regarding hardside or HTT but are currently leaning toward hardside. We're trying to simplify and speed up the process of setup/teardown. Not to mention, whatever we buy will likely not fit in our pole barn so it won't be as easy to dry out as the popup. I really do like the thought of sleeping in the exterior bunks of the HTTs but haven't been overly impressed with the ones we've looked at so far.
We do currently carry a 6 gal water jug with spigot that we set on the table under our awning. We use that for coffee, dish water, dog dishes, etc. I can envision using that same set-up with a new rig. Most of the SF campgrounds have a hand pump that we can refill with. We also carry a 7 gal jug when boondocking.
High on my list right now (but subject to change) is the Skyline Eco Camp 19WQ.
I will definitely check out ProfDan's blogs.
Thanks for the tips, handye9, I think those are precisely the kind of things we need to consider!