@ScottG - I've filled the trailer with water and will give it another go tonight. There's also another scale on the way back from our camping trip this weekend so I will take your advice and visit that scale as well. Acura claims it will hinder performance/breaking/etc but it is indeed a unibody.
@BurbMan - I weighed the trailer when attached to the vehicle and it was 2,866 lbs, add back the tongue weight, and it's 3,660 lbs (again, this is with most of the stuff we bring camping). I agree that it all seems to be a bit heavy although the maximum trailer weight (4,400lbs) does fall within the guidelines set by Acura. I now have the trailer loaded with water too, so I think it would be a good idea to take it back to the scale again and see what that does.
@Olde Volks - My wife and kid and some food will be a couple hundred pounds. As long as I can get that tongue weight back where it should be, that shouldn't be a problem I think. I