Farmerjon wrote:
that looks like a terrific camping area.
When we are heading towards NC or Ga We make our 1st stop at Tom Sawyer's Mississippi River RV Park even though it isn't a full days
drive.It's only 270 miles.
We get a kick out of watching the tug boats with their barges. WOW what power.
And has a bonus we get to avoid crossing the river at Cairo and sharing the bridges with the semis.
As far as tne flooding. Yeah it is a pain, Yesterday the short road we live on nad both bridges washed away. one at each end of road.We had no way out.
I've never stayed at Tom Sawyer's RV. I think its near Memphis? And don't leave us hanging. What happened when your road was cut at both ends? Fire up a rock crawling jeep? A boat?
Its one of the pleasures of this part of the world where a lot of us are prepared for most anything. Because "most anything" keeps happening.
Apropos Tom Sawyer: “…nothing so liberalizes a man and expands the kindly instincts that nature put in him as travel and contact with many kinds of people.” – Mark Twain