I'm migrating from boating and have an observation. When I boated as a kid in the 50s and 60's boats had limited facilities and comforts. Over the decades manufacturers installed al sorts of things to make boating less "boat like". For my money they also made boating less enjoyable. I don't need, nor do I want, a flat screen TV on every wall (or any wall for that matter) or a wall sized entertainment system all of which consume space that I would find other uses for. I see the same thing with campers. Slides seem to have become the norm, and if you aren't a fan of them and their potential down sides, you are stuck. As for the comments about only needing the camper for eating and sleeping being the only real needs, I must disagree. There are days that rain falls from the sky or the temperatures may be less than ideal. What then? Shiver outside wrapped in a poncho? Go shopping at Wally World until the skies change? For my money a trailer with no sliders or canvas appendages would suit me fine. Sadly the options are extremely limited.
But what do I know? I'm just an old guy looking to get reintroduced to camping after decades of boating and will have to "go with the flow".