Forum Discussion

mfoster711's avatar
Explorer II
Aug 17, 2015

Ford Tow Haul Mode - Do you use it?

I previously had a 2007 F250 Diesel. It had a tow haul mode for the transmission but I only used it once because it did not seem to make much difference and caused my gas mileage to stink. I might be wrong, but I think the tow haul mode would disable overdrive which is probably why my gas mileage stunk.

I now have a 2015 F150 and did some towing today with and without the tow haul mode on. In my F150 it seems to make a bigger difference. When tow haul mode was off I felt like the transmission was shifting way too often. With tow haul mode turned on the transmission shifted less often and seemed to drive better.

I guess I will just drive with the tow haul mode turned on but I was wondering what others do? Do you use it on your F150? Does it make the gas mileage a lot worse?
  • Tow/Haul function was invented to protect the automatic tranny when hauling and/or towing

    With your old, higher class, had much more margin (sizing, capacity, etc)
    that it did NOT need to try and save the automatic...often

    Now with your lower class is much closer to it's limits/ratings...or even over

    So it is trying to protect the automatic more often

    Many come here asking your question and highest on their 'have to have' list
    is MPG.
    A wise choice for MPG, but maybe not in the long run with the cost of having
    to rebuild one of the most expensive component/system on most vehicles today

    I know that as 'Penny wise...Pound foolish'...
  • When towing my tow/haul mode is always on. Even when I'm not towing I'll turn it on for those long downhills.
    Saves on having to frequently hit the brakes as the downhill speed creeps up.
  • On my previous truck (2007 F350) and current truck (2012 F350) if the trailer is connected, the truck is in tow/haul. I even use it going down a steep grade when not towing to get the engine/exhaust brake advantage.

    It does keep the transmission from shifting so often, just as it is supposed to do and to keep the engine from lugging. But no affect on mileage.
  • I agree with all the positive remarks about tow haul mode.
    I think it is great for towing and I also use it when I'm not towing. It's great for stop and go traffic and hilly winding back country roads.
    On my 2015 F350 6.7 it doesn't activate the exhaust brake unless I have the exhaust brake switch on and if I'm towing the exhaust brake switch is on as it adds a lot to the slowing down of the truck.
  • If you are not using your Tow Haul when towing or hauling near or at your GVWR (hence the name), you are cooking your transmission. Get a Scan Gauge and start monitoring your trans fluid temps.

    Even on seemingly slight grades the temp will creep up. Engage the TH and it will drop 10 - 15 degrees in just a couple of miles. On long, steep grades (6 - 8%), you can engage TH and cruise for miles to the bottom without touching the brakes all while not burning a drop of fuel. The difference in mileage will be negligible and your brakes will last far longer not to mention avoiding overheating.

    I am wrapping up an 18 day trip through the southern Rockies and have used TH about 90% of the time with excellent results. Tow Haul is a wonderful thing but only if actually use it properly.

  • I can only speak of the 2013 F150 and the T/H mode makes a big difference in towing... I can't say the MPG's change at all, but it drives and handles much better with it engaged..

    For one thing, it attempts to keep the trans from unlocking the torque converter, which causes higher trans fluid temps.. It'll hold a lower gear "locked" longer before shifting up if you need the higher rpms to keep the TC locked.

    Low rpms does not automatically equal higher mpgs... Trans life has a bit to do with things too and lugging any engine is not getting the best mpg's anyway, so why do it?

    Going down hill with T/H engaged will downshift the trans if you hit the brakes too.. Yes, your rpms will rise, but you will get some additional engine braking too.. You might not know to downshift, but the computer does when you are in T/H.

    But, at the end of the day, it's up to you when you engage it or not.. I don't just keep it engaged 100% of the time I'm towing.. There are times where it's not necessary, especially going down hill, but I judge that on my own..

    Good luck!

  • Things have changed a lot since 2007. Tow/haul in my '03 Cummins Ram and '05 Hemi 2500HD Ram left a lot to be desired. Tow/haul in my 2010 F250 is what tow/haul should be. I use it any time we're hitched up.
  • Yes on tow haul mode and the braking. Any time you tow, the tow haul mode should be on. As you experienced it allows the truck to work more efficiently, especially up and down grades.
  • If my trailer is hitched to the truck, a 2009 F150, the truck is in the Tow-Haul mode all the time. That's what it there for.
  • It supposedly changes the shift pattern.

    On 6.7L diesels it makes a major difference since it activates the exhaust brake.