Gdetrailer wrote:
Turtle n Peeps wrote:
Get the codes read and get back to us. Were you really traveling in 65 MPH winds?
There WON'T be any "codes" to read as long as the check engine light is NOT STAYING ON.
But to make sure you are talking about a check engine light you do know that it is the one that looks like a "engine" and not the one that looks like a WRENCH? The meaning of the two lights have two different purposes..
Wrench light does not set or store codes..
If the check engine light events were too short, it WILL NOT "store" any codes.. BUT OP can check to see if there is any PENDING CODES.. If a emission related fault happened but cleared it's self the computer MAY record ONLY a pending code.
If a pending code fault happens multiple times or if detected within so many key on cycles it will then set the check engine light on..
It depends on the type of code. That's why you should ALWAY see if there are any codes in the system.