wnjj wrote:
I have to agree with those who say you'll just be covering up the real problem by building different/stronger mounts. Something is way off to break welds that are basically in shear. As someone said, the camper mostly sits there and only needs some help to stay. If there's enough force to bust those welds either there is way too much tension on the tie-downs or not nearly enough, allowing the camper to leave the bed and "get a run" at pulling on the welds. If you switch to a one-piece belly bar, I suspect you'll start bending it unless it's really overbuilt.
Have you checked the truck's bed mounts? Since the camper sits in the bed but the mounts are to the frame any slop in the bed mounts could possibly aggravate the issue.
You haven't answered how tight you are running the fastguns? What method do you use to ensure the right tension?
Also, I'm really surprised you lost a rear mount with or without the camper. They are held by pins with spring-loaded retaining clips.
Yup. The spring clip like you see holding them in these pics just vanished one day and with it the rear mount. It was rattling around with no camper on it so it vibrated loose somehow.
I’d say the bed mounts are reasonable. I’ll have another look though.
The Arctic Fox TC just has momentum. It definitely wants to leave the bed over a lot of different bumps you encounter. Especially after the truck is depressed and then springs back up. It feels like the TC is carrying the truck higher into the air after many types of bumps. Say speed bumps for an extreme instance it feels just nuts going over those even at almost a dead stop. The TC and truck want to do different things.
I do plan to overbuild the bar across type of mount because I need to lock the front of this tc into the truck better than these Torklift mounts are capable of.
As far as the tension in the Torklift fastgun tie downs, it’s just right. Not loose and not cranked down super hard. They have a natural click to them at the right tension. They snap closed easily without too much force, yet they aren’t loose. Nice and snug.
It all works great on the back of the truck, don’t forget. Everything is fine on the rear frame mount and tie downs.