Forum Discussion

rbpru's avatar
Explorer II
Feb 03, 2018

Ft. Wayne RV show impressions.

I was at the Ft Wayne IN RV show yesterday, my impressions were.

* The current demographics are young folks with kids who need sleeping space but do not want to flip open the couch or drop the dinette table. Many of the TTs had bunks beds complete with USB sockets on the wall.

* Because of the above demographics, the typical trailer length was 30 to 36 ft.

* For those who do not mind setting up sleeping quarters, Murphy beds, and even full sized hide a bed couches were available, in addition to dropping the table.

* Front and rear bathes, which I teased gave you twice the dumping pleasure.

* There were even a couple of TTs with small private study type rooms.

* Stairs that fold up into the door way were quite prominent. Folk really seemed to like their stability.

An interesting note was the number of factory reps. You could get into specific details about the construction and of course they we happy to discuss the reasons why their methods and material we better than the other TTs.

One Manufacturer was using an aluminum based scrim cloth. They though it would "mouse poof" the TT. It may help but the mice always seem to get smarter. :)

Yes, most of the units did have a show price. Personally I think that is the price you should be seeking anytime.

The majority of the units were flat sided composites but there were a fair number if stick and tin (aluminum). The interiors were identical.

There were a few thing I did not like but they are my personal biases so I will not whine about them.

All in all a pleasant afternoon, it is nice to get an idea of what you want in your next RV.
  • rbpru wrote:
    We usually go the RV shows to see what is the latest trend in TT are. Three things popped out at me; The MORryde steps, the addition of USB chargers at the bed side and the use of non-crank up TV antennas.

    There are lots of other notable features but they are not items I would use.

    I am curious about the Omni directional antenna vs. the old Winegard crank and rotates types. I would hate to have any worse reception then I already have. :)

    I have the Winegard Omni in my 2018 Cougar and its better than I thought it would be when it comes to receiving stations 20-30 miles away. Over that forget it, your better off with the traditional bat wing.

    Ron W.
  • We usually go the RV shows to see what is the latest trend in TT are. Three things popped out at me; The MORryde steps, the addition of USB chargers at the bed side and the use of non-crank up TV antennas.

    There are lots of other notable features but they are not items I would use.

    I am curious about the Omni directional antenna vs. the old Winegard crank and rotates types. I would hate to have any worse reception then I already have. :)
  • rbpru wrote:

    * Stairs that fold up into the door way were quite prominent. Folk really seemed to like their stability.

    We saw these MORryde steps a couple of years ago at the Indianapolis RV Expo and liked them so much, we had them installed on our Rockwood. We were the first people at our dealer to have them installed, and they destroyed our entry door trying to install them. They replaced the door at no charge (obviously), and we loved the steps.

    We liked them so much, we are having them put into the Grand Design travel trailer we just ordered!
  • Headed to our local show on Thursday. Not in the market for a new rig, but we enjoy 4-5 hours browsing all the new units and parts/acc. Its kind of our season primer and a good time to get together with all our camping friends.
  • Thanks for the report. It is enjoyable walking through units and getting impressions when you are not buying. More relaxing.
  • Interesting report.

    “There were a few thing I did not like but they are my personal biases so I will not whine about them.l

    Please tell what you didn’t like.