If you are 62 or over, get Multi agency senior pass.
It cost $10 for life and gives you free entrance to Federal and State parks, as well as 50% off on campgrounds run by Corps of Engineers or other government agency.
Should be able to get it at any park entrance.
That pass saved me close to $1000 last year.
Use family or friends for DL and registration and cancel all other mail.
For my front-mounted Honda, I made custom platform where potential thief would have to figure out how to unbolt 4 legs, even if he would have metric sockets, where hitch pin is lockable.
Be careful with overnight at Walmarts as in Georgia the city send tow truck, that put clubs on wheels at 4 AM. Tow truck driver clubbed semis park there and let us leave on warning.
I never felt need for a gun in my life and I think I will start learn fishing on my retirement.
Enjoy the retirement.