Forum Discussion

rickeoni's avatar
Jun 16, 2014

Full wall slides

I read on TCM that fridges on full wall slides are noiser because of an extra fan?
Looking for feedback from owners who have this option.
  • It's usually a 4" box fan, similar to what's on a case of your desktop computer. In most cases you won't even know it's on.
  • Have a fridge on the slide. The fan is very quiet. Never notice it unless I am standing outside roght beside it.
  • Our AF has the refrigerator on a slide next to the bed. We do not hear the fan inside and a full wardrobe wall on that side of the bed prevents outside noise. I will add we also sleep with a fan or some other white noise emitting from a sound machine.
  • funny I bought the plug in fan-tastic fan endless breeze to have some fan noise to help sleep!
  • It was also in the review of the new Lance 1052.

    "While a full-wall slide would have increased the floor space and wow factor of the 1052’s interior, it also would have increased the weight of the camper, and put the refrigerator on the slide.  Weight questions aside, putting a refrigerator on a slide-out requires side cooling and the employment of an additional fan in the refrigerator.  

    Noisy refrigerator fans are a point of contention for many slide-out truck camper owners.  Most never considered refrigerator fan noise until the first night they went to sleep in their campers.  For this reason, we believe Lance made the right choice, even if if would have been neat to see a full-wall slide.  We’ll take a good nights sleep over a little more floor space any day.It was in the review of the new Lance 1052"
  • The TCM review of our AF 990 said this regarding the Norcold fridge:

    "The only concern about having a refrigerator on a slide this close to the overcab bedroom is the potential for noise from the refrigerator’s ventilation stack. We did not have the opportunity to use the 990’s refrigerator so this may not be an issue."

    It is a full-wall slide, but they were talking about proximity to the bed rather than the fact that it's in a slide. It's definitely not an issue for us though. I didn't even realize it had a fan until this weekend. It only runs when it's above about 80F outside, and we don't do much camping where it's warm. The fan noise is very low, and wouldn't bother me even if it did run at night. If it was warm enough at night to require the fridge fan, you would probably need some sort of roof fan or A/C running, which is going to be a lot louder.