My furnace did the same thing on 3 occasions . The first time (this is going to sound dumb) i took my leaf blower and forced high volume of air into the vent from the outside. The furnace started after doing that and ran fine for the remainder of the season. It was dusty.
Had the same problem the next year and the leaf blower worked for the 2nd time. There was a dead broken up leaf inside the tube.
The 3rd time it happened, the leaf blower did not work.
My mechanic told me to light the stove burners and fire up the water heater to see if the flames changed (diminished). He told me the WH uses more gas for the initial start up and that's a good way to tell if the regulator is weak. If that happened, it would indicate that the regulator was bad at the tank.
I ended up replacing the circuit board .
I would give it another day if its warm enough to really dry it out.
if it still doesn't light, we have to get into the model and take baby steps to check grounds, thermocouple or sail switch.
When the fan spins (most have good battery voltage) the sail switch activates to fire up the furnace. Sometimes the sail switch goes bad. But, the circuit boards are so sensitive, im leaning that way as of now. I bought an extra board because its easy and fast to swap out to test it. If its not the board, then i dig deeper but that takes time.
I'll be on the road for a month and don't know what kind of service i will have . I fish/camp off grid in the middle of nowhere.
View the youtubes of rv furnace troubleshooting to get a visual of what to do .