free radical wrote:
Posted: 03/10/20 07:52pm
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FishOnOne wrote:
I thought Engineering Explained did a good job of explaining energy density of both gasoline and battery capacity. This video also gives a good insight of the technical and the economics challenges Electric vehicles face and why it makes good sense to continue to improve the Internal Combustion engine.
Video 2 explains the efficiency of the two different sources of energy.
Link 2
Problem with ice engine is,
NOT a single auto maker cares about improving its eficiency.
There are plenty of inventions out there but no one cares about using it
Heres one
Heres another
Why doesnt anyone put those on their engines?
I tell you why,,they want drivers to burn as much gasoline as posible bc thats how they make money!
Lets face it electric motor is 99% eficient and gasoline cant ever compete.
Once EVs become affordable for everyone fosil fuel is dead.
If you look at modern DI turbocharged gas engines in use today, you see that they are close to the same efficiency as Smokey Yunick's adiabatic engine he developed in the 1980s. 1.8 hp per cubic inch (about 100 hp per liter) is common place today, and while Smokey's motor got 50 mpg highway in a 2500 lb Fiero, a current DI gas motor of the same output would get close to that in a small, light car such as that. Part of what saps efficiency compared to what it could be is that cars are simply much bigger and more powerful than the 80s. Compare a 1985 Honda Accord to a new one. The 2020 car is much bigger, much more powerful, and gets significantly better EPA rated mpg.