Forum Discussion

D_and_A_plus_6's avatar
Nov 02, 2018

Getting roof White Again??

Got a 2nd TT, and roof wasn't been cleaned for several years and was pretty dirty almost black. I realize its not recommended, but took it to a car wash and between spray wand and soap brush, I was able to make it look better. Besides lots of Elbow Grease, any ideas of getting it whiter before I use the Thetford Rubber Roof Cleaner Condictioner? Thanks
  • While pleasing the eye, did your washing make the roof more or less water resistant/proof?
  • I have power washed my roof and made it better but under the maple tree, where the leaves have left their mark, even the power wash didn't get it clean.
    I have also tried Soft Scrub with bleach which works well but one has to use a lot of it.