CKNSLS wrote:
NWKomfort350 wrote:
How is f250 overkill... my trailer is 23' my last trip out when I hit scales tt had tongue weight of 1040 .. TT weighed 6620 its gvwr is 7500.. my truck plus tongue weight was 9620 only 280 pounds away from my f350 gvwr... and it was only a 3 day trip ... how would a half ton handle 2220 pounds of payload? Or more if I was headed out for a week?
Your trailer is an 04. They have come along way since then. I have a 2011 Eclipse Milan at 29 total feet 4,500 pounds dry.
Well within 1/2 ton territory-at 29 total feet.
My trailer is only 5, 040 dry. Dry weight is the most ridiculous number to compare. Lets pretend this 23' tt nobody knows what brand it is weighs in loaded at 5000. Or is this too high? This would be 1, 620 pounds less than my last trip. 15% of 1,620 is 243 pounds . My last payload measurement of 2220 minus 243 is 1977 pounds. This 1, 977 pounds of payload weight is still high for the average half ton. Im not saying a person needs anything bigger than a half ton. Im only stating what a vehicle can tow depends a lot more on weight of TT plus cargo and people in TV. I just dont see how its automatic that the OP only needs a half ton. Not saying a person needs a freightliner. Only that it really depends how many people traveling, how much gear will be coming and weight of TT.