We did exactly what secondchance did with the slope, retaining wall, fill, fill, more fill, rock, more rock. Then were fortunate enough NOT to live in a HOA that restricted an aluminum cover. As the project grew and grew it ended up about 26 x 36 give or take. It's protected our previous ROO and now the TT. If you are in a situation where you can, strongly suggest you look toward a covered area. DH usually just tosses an old blanket down on the rock when he has work to do. Since the garage is overfull with most every piece of woodworking equipment and now 12 - or so - RC airplanes in various stages of work, my little car, the TT, an open utility trailer and if need be the front of both the F-150 and DSs Ranger will fit under the cover. I don't see us ever considering concreting that area, although an additional layer of rock may be added at some point. Have had no problems parking on the gravel/rock area.