Second Chance wrote:
Are you a member of the Grand Design Owners Forum?
GD Owners Forum
Lots of great folks over there. There is a sub-forum just for Imagine owners and two forums the Grand Design customer service folks monitor:
New Feature Recommendations, and
Tech Corner
Give it a try.
It's pay to play, not really a fan of that, but I tried it.
Then Chris Tretta booted me because I "can come off a bit harsh at times". LOL. And? Well, that was the first time being booted from any type of forum since 1998. That's right...20 years. Chris Tretta. What a wuss.
So I visit and post semi-often on the Grand Design RV and Grand Design Imagine page on Facebook where real people are posting without an avatar to hide behind. Sure there's some drama there like any forum, but its different. A better different!