My 2003 F-150 was in a similar situation. I was 0-500 pounds over GVWR every trip. Never had the bed empty when camping. I was in a position to upgrade my TV if we thought it was unsafe or uncomfortable. The truck was that truck performed very well at and above it's ratings. It was rock solid at 75mph with my Reese Strait Line properly adjusted. We chose to replace the truck more due to wanting 3 rows of seats than a problem with that truck. I do miss my truck bed.
Keep in mind some of the TW goes onto the TT axles using a WDH. If you have returned half the unloaded weight fro mthe front axle as Ford recommend for your truck, that means maybe only 90% of TW is on the truck's axles. So you might be closer to 800 pounds of TW against cargo which helps your situation a bit.
Only you can determine how comfortable you are at/over any of the truck's ratings. A trip to a scale can assist with quantifying that. Otherwise, many people are towing in far worse situations than you. Carry one and happy camping!