Until you get everything weighed I would be concerned about several things.
1st being your tires. With that low of a payload rating I would be checking my tires to see what the max load is at max psi.
2nd, I would definitely get it weighed to find out if you're just close to your limit or over you limit by a lot.
Have you looked at the door sticker on the TT? Brochure says 5997lbs dry with 791lb dry tongue weight. Only 1603 for the TT's CCC. I would be checking that too. If you load you're TT like the average user then you're near 7000lbs loaded. Since the dry TW is 791lbs, then after loading up propane, batteries, front cargo stuff and bedroom stuff then you could easily be near 900=1000lbs.
With a low CCC of 1603lbs for the TT I would also be checking the tires on the TT as well. Looks like both the TT and the truck are near capacity IMO.
You're situation is exactly why I upgraded to a 3/4 ton. After loading everything in my 10 F150 and hitching up a 31', 7300lb TT I was maxed out on the truck. If I didn't have a canopy and sliding bed tray in the F150 then all would be good. But as it was I was 50lbs under both the 7650lb GVW and the 4050lb RAWR.
Like you I drove all over Oregon and NorCal for 2-1/2 yrs w/o issues. But I just wasn't comfortable knowing I was maxed out all the time.