jaycocreek wrote:
I'll start by saying,I have a Honda 3000 and in my opinion,it is the best generator I have ever owned....
the 3000 model is quieter than 2000 btw and even data is hard to compare, I think it sips less fuel under load than 2000.
My H 3000 did run 12 hr with 15k AC at full blast on its tank.
The difference might be different AC as the 15k Coleman would run at 8.3 amp, when some members report their 13k AC draw more amps.
My H3000 is about 15 yo and only this season it develop some starting problem (it always start on 1st pull on normal use, or 2nd pull after the winter). Could be that aged carburetor flooded in triple F weather, but I decided to rebuild carburetor and since rebuild kits are not available, I ended up with new carburetor.
I only wish they had oil filter, so I don't have change the oil every season.
The only disadvantage is the weight, although 10 years go I could carry H3000 around. Now I have to ask DW for help.
But front mount was the best thing I did with it. Takes me about 20 seconds to pull cable from TC, plug it in and pull the cord.
I observe starting with opening the fuel as carburetor takes few seconds to fill.