Forum Discussion

JoshuaH's avatar
Aug 25, 2017

Help finding replacement rear leveling jack

As I was raising one of the rear leveling jacks last Monday after we camped for the eclipse it broke right off, thankfully this happend while packing up and not during setup. Are these pretty much universal? It seems to slide into a channel that is bolted to the frame. I've been searching some for a replacement but I'm not seeing anything exactly like what I have. I can get pictures of it if that helps. Another trip in less than a month so I need to get on this.

The camper is a Flagstaff 176LTD

  • You did not say if it's a swing-down stabilizer or scissors type. Look at BAL products here.
  • To emphasize; these are stabilizers only, not levelers. Get the trailer level & then lower them to stabilize it. Learned that the hard way.
  • The size is for length specs. Come two in a pack and easy to measure. Level front and back and measure the frame to ground. Add 5 to 8 inches and call it a day
  • Thanks everyone. Found a few places to order but I'm a bit confused on what size I need. Do I need to measure the whole jack or just the screw?
  • When I replaced one of mine, I learned the hard way that different brands turn in the oposite direction.
    Danged confusing when they work oposite of each other!
    That may be something you want to verify before getting a replacement.
  • All aftermarket should work Being the smaller pup probably the light duty stabilizer.

    NOT A Leveler.