Forum Discussion

Piggy's avatar
Dec 29, 2015

Help me find a quality TT

We are looking to buy a quality TT. Not interested in a 5th. wheel. Have a Ford 350 super duty SRW 4x4.Located in La. Interested in a Northwoods but not many in our area. Any other brands? Thank you. P.K. In La.
  • I visited the Riverside Factory and saw some great work going into the Retro White Water. I own the Retro 195. You should take a look to see it would fit your needs.
  • Great advice from the guys above. My first camper was a 1989 Airstream but I can't recommend them. They are EXPENSIVE and the maintenance is high. Scratch one of the aluminum panels and it'll never be the same again. The worst TT I ever owned was a Forest River Salem. Kept it for three years and it was falling apart when I traded it for a Denali 30RL. I had that one for 10 years with no significant problems and have just traded it for a 2016 Denali 326RL and I love it.
    What ever you buy, I highly recommend that you look at rear living units because the best view from inside most RV's is the out the rear.

    Good luck and keep us informed on your decision.
  • Our first TT held up well for 16 years of once per month travel plus several week to 2 week long trips each year along with one 5000 mile cross country trip. It was still in great shape when we sold it.

    Our current 5th wheel is 21 years old and has traveled similar trips to above. It looks near new.

    Both trailers had very few problems that would be attributable to build quality. Most problems were due to wear and tear.

    Both were mid level quality RVs. Great value for the price.

    I do maintain and perform routine preventative maintenance on all of my vehicles.

    Like DutchMan Sport posted...upkeep is the key to longevity.
  • Depends upon what your interpretation of "quality" is? If you are looking for a 100% trouble free, ready-to-go, will last 10 years and never have to do anything to maintain a camper, camper, you will *never* find it! They don't exit. No matter what make, model, or brand you get, you'll have to maintain it. It starts with the very first day you get it and it doesn't end until you die! (or get out of the RV business completely .... which ever comes first!)

    Another thing, you can purchase a well made trailer that has a reputation for minimal manufacturer defects and is able to sustain some longevity, but they are going to cost you. (look at Airstream) And you'll still have to aggressively maintain it from day 1.

    I really am not going to recommend a specific model or brand for you. Look at my profile (on the left) and you'll see my history. All have been good campers, but all have required diligent upkeep, and I've never had a breakdown on the road or while camping because of the attention to detail when NOT camping.

    If you look at the signature blocks of the various forum members where they have posted on various threads, those are the brands that work! But I promise you, they all have done their due diligence on their campers to keep them nice!