We needed 3/4 ton as well... somebody pointed me at HD Full Sized vans as a option and you might want to check these out. My wife vetoed this concept however in the end. just a thought.
Another option if nobody has mentioned this yet: Get a older used 3/4 for towing. Then get a smaller car for a daily driver... I thought about doing this earlier in the year but I have zero luck with having a third vehicle. I always seem to have one broken down - just my luck it seems. Anyway. We ended up biting the bullet and getting the 3/4. When our Minivan needs replaced Ill try to get the wife to drive the truck for the short haul around stuff and I'll go get another gas sipper for my 60+ mile commute daily. In the meantime we will be eating the gas price as part of the cost of doing what we want to do. It is what it is..