tragusa3 wrote:
Really quality replies guys. Thanks so much. My wife and I have been sitting here with our morning coffee talking through all the variables, and it's enough to drive you crazy.
First, Donn, I figured the math this way (not all inclusive):
- 3/4 ton at an average of 11mpg (towing and not)= 100,000/11 = 9091 gallons @ $3.50 = $31,818
- 1/2 ton at an average of 17mpg (realistic with the new 2014 chevy) = 100,000/17= 5882 gallons @ $3.50 = $20,587
Difference of $11,231
As you mention, there are other expenses that favor the 3/4 ton, that should be considered.
To the option of buying used. I would jump all over a nice, used 3/4 ton. Problem is, everything I see listed with <30,000 miles is right up close to the new prices. Everything that saves significantly on price has more than 100,000 miles. So in order to free up enough in the budget to cover the extra fuel expense and the commuter car, I'd have a vehicle that I wouldn't trust all that much for 6,000 mile trips out west.
I completely understand and agree that too small a camper and not enough TV can both take the fun out of a trip. But budgets are budgets, and when you start looking at $40k to a truck and $20k to a trailer, it is just too large a price for us.
In the end, I've got a paid for half ton with 85,000 miles (that I trust) and a trailer that we owe another $5k on. We're enjoying local camping for next to nothing. Hard to stomach $8-1,000 a month in notes for conveniences.
Some of you may have noticed my thread on whether or not to buy a class C. That's another perspective to wrestle with. We see good examples that fit our needs for the same price as most of the pickup truck options. We then sell our current truck for a gas sipping commuter, sell our current trailer, and come cheaper on purchase prices.
I don't know...round and round in circles. Enough to drive you insane. In the meantime, we leave next weekend for a week camping on the beach with no notes to pay off. Hard to beat that no matter how hard the truck is working. :)
I think your average mpg is off in both calculations. I do not think 11 or 17 are valid.
First, I would consider towing mpg a wash. Therefore, how many non-towing miles do you drive? What is your current avg MPG with current truck? What type of commute do you have? What type of driving cycle do you have?
My 2500HD with 6.0 and 3.73 has averaged 14 mpg for my ownership. However, this is my wifes truck, and I always improve the avg MPG when I drive it. Last year on a trip into the Michigan UP, it averaged 17.8 mpg (200 miles at 60 mph).
Second, the new 2014 Silverado is great. However, the V8 with 23 mpg is a 5.3 with the 3.08 rear axle. This puts the tow rating at 6600lb. I have heard of individuals averaging 21 mpg in the new Silverado.
As for discounts, there are great cash back rebates on 2013 1500's. Additionally, if you are a friend of a GM employee, they can share supplier pricing, and you get the rebates.