Forum Discussion

tragusa3's avatar
Jun 08, 2013

Help Shopping: Half ton

History and background: I have a years experience towing my 3,000lbs dry TT throughout the Appalacians. I use my trusty Chevy with the 4.8liter / 3.42s. Back in 2003, we bought our first boat. At the time we had a Ford Ranger that couldn't possibly get the job done, so we shopped for a truck for towing at the time. The salesman steered us to the one we have. I wasn't educated on towing and didn't even know what gearing was. We've paid the price ever since. Don't get me wrong, the truck is capable, it just never did it with any "extra".

Aside from towing, we have LOVED this truck. Our biggest issue has been changing out the daytime running light bulb.

In the 11 years we've had it, life has changed. We now are a family of 4 and picked up the hobby of camping and travelling. I'm a school teacher and we have a goal of taking our boys on 3-4 long summer trips out West with the TT. This is where I believe our current truck is going to fail us. For one, 4 people in an extended cab. We'd live with that though if it towed better. I just don't think I've got enough truck for these long trips and the grades we'll come across out west.

I can currently climb anything in western North Carolina, but in 2nd gear at 3200rpm and 45mph.

The other concern we always fight is payload. When we load for local trips we always sag in the rear and from my rough calculations we're 4-500 pounds over. I'm 300lbs, wife is xxx, kids will each be 200lbs within the life of this new truck.

Upgrading TT? It is likely that we'll upgrade to something slightly larger, but we have a different philosophy than most. I truely don't see us ever considering anything heavier than 5,500lbs dry.

So, I'm not 100% stuck in the Chevy camp, but ours has been loyal enough to us that I'll stay loyal to Chevy unless there's a real reason not to be.

Our current truck has 270hp and 280torque. I don't know how to measure what's needed to make a significant change in my towing experience? The 5.3 liter of the last several years has seemed like a marginal improvement, but the new 2014 5.3 numbers are roughly 100 higher in hp and torque (355/387). 110 ft. lbs of torque tied to the new 6 speed transmission sounds like a leap beyond what we have. Is it?

A more specific question: I stopped at the dealership yesterday and found they had no 2014's on the lot, but were trying hard to push the 2013's they had. Even though invoice prices will remain the same, they claim that they can discount the 13's enough to give me a 9-10,000 incentive to take one.

Of course, that sounds interesting, but the 13's will not increase my hp and torque numbers as much (about half as much). Also, the fuel efficiency on the 14's is now 16/23, which would be nice for all the commuting I do the rest of the year.

Of course I'd like to save the money with a 13, but surely don't want to be disappointed like we have been with the 4.8/3.42. We'll keep this truck at least 10 years so I don't want to be penny wise and pound foolish.

Considering a 3/4 ton with the 6.0? Don't get me wrong, it scratches the "man" itch alot better, but don't forget my trailer size. And, I tow for only half the miles I'll put on this truck, I'd feel wasteful to be driving that to work every day. The 2500 also starts to climb out of my budget, so I would have to go a few years older.

What would you do in my situation? Take a deal on a 13? Wait and spend more on the 14?

Sorry. Longwinded. That was a 2 cup of coffee post! :)
  • If you will keep it another 11 years you may as well spend the money on the 14 when it comes out. It will be worth it to have the extra power and fuel economy. As you have learned life can change and having a little extra capacity in the truck won't hurt.

    It seems the 5.3 in the 14 would give you plenty of towing power.

    For what it's worth we have friends that tow with the current 5.3 and aren't happy with it. They are looking to upgrade.

    I have the 6.0L in mine and it has less HP/TRQ than the 5.3 in the 14 will have. The 6.0L does a great job towing.
  • The budget is not as important as getting the right tool for the job. I shopped strictly by budget last time. :( There is a budget, but my needs can sway that a bit. Want me to throw out a number? The 13 I looked at was priced at $31k after rebates and I'd be okay with that. The 14's will then be close to $40k and, well, I don't like the sound of that.

    My current truck should bring about $10k to put towards the new.
  • Let's be honest. Go ahead and tell us your budget. That will give us a better basis for what to recommend.