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zulu52's avatar
Jun 01, 2019

Help with electrical please

I have a 2008 Northstar Arrow 8.5.
The last time I had it out was for a 6200 mile trip in 42 days.
Everything worked fine.
That was 10 months ago.

I was just checking things out today and am having trouble. I consider myself a pretty good do it your selfer.

Except for anything electrical. My downfall.

I am plugged into shore power full time at home. I check the battery for water often.
Today I had no power and a very weak battery.
Finally figured out it was the socket. Plugged into a different socket with a 100' #10 extension cord. I know 100' is pretty long.

Now the A/C comes on and is running well.
Refrigerator flashes on and shuts off.
Happijacks won't work at all.
Microwave works.

Every time there is a voltage change, like turning on a light, the gas alarm sounds, then goes off. Propane has been shut off for 10 months.

I don't have any idea how to even trouble shoot this.
Any ideas?
  • zulu52 wrote:

    Every time there is a voltage change, like turning on a light, the gas alarm sounds, then goes off. Propane has been shut off for 10 months.

    I don't have any idea how to even trouble shoot this.

    They alarm is going off because the voltage is momentarily dropping below its minimum voltage.

    Start by buying a decent digital multimeter (DMM). A decent one will run you about $30-$40. For a few dollars more you can get one with a built-in "amp clamp", like a UNI-T UT210E. You won't need that feature now, but some day you will.

    Start by unpluging the AC power. Also disconnect the power from the truck. If the battery voltage in the camper is below 12.8V, it is time for a new battery !

    With a fully charged battery (above 12.8V), plug in the shore power. Your converter should be supplying above 13.2V to the battery. If not, check to be sure all connections are clean and tight. If you are still low, it is time for a new converter.
  • A single 100 watt solar panel and a battery monitor that displays per cent of full charge all the time solved all our battery problems.
  • CA Traveler wrote:
    2chiefsRus wrote:
    check for bad battery - everything that works is 110 volt, everything that doesn't work, works off of 12 volt. Maybe your battery went completely dead while it was plugged into the bad outlet.

    take the battery to have it load tested at any auto store.

    And don't run the A/C on a 100' extension cord.

    ^^ X3

    When I bought my 2010 Arrow it had 2 year old batteries (not too old, huh?) but I could not go a single night before experiencing similar symptoms.

    I would, as suggested, get the batteries load tested, my guess is you might perhaps need new ones. I went with group 27 NAPA RV/ Marine. I got about 6 years on the first set (mostly boon docking) and was 2 years into the next when I sold the camper.
  • When I first went in the camper, the lights were very dim.

    I just now pulled the battery out and will put it on a charger tomorrow.
    The positive connection was very corroded even though I cleaned it about 4 or 5 months ago.

    I won't use the 100' #10 extension cord again.

    Thanks for the input.

    I am very good at what I do.
    I build cannon carriages for historical artillery.
    I am currently building a very large field carriage for the Alamo for a cannon barrel that actually fought in the famous battle.

    But if I plug something in and it doesn't work, I can only scratch my head.:h

    I appreciate the help.
    I will follow up after I see if this works.

  • I would start by putting a charger on the battery- my money is on bad converter, as most modern converters would power the rig even with a bad battery.
  • It sounds like your battery and/or +12V converter is out.
  • Propane alarm always make beep when voltage goes low.
    100' #16 cord might be good for charger, fridge and lights, but don't run AC and micro on it.
    To run those you'd need #10 cord, or shorter one.
    Jacks take lot of current.
    I can run single one on converter power, but when I try 4- the breaker goes off and I have to wait for it to reset. Meaning for camper loading, I need good battery regardless shore power.
    Bottom line, you need good battery to start.
  • There is voltage drop in a 100 foot run even with 10 gauge wire.
    Sometimes batteries do not do well on a charger for long periods without any discharge.
  • 2chiefsRus wrote:
    check for bad battery - everything that works is 110 volt, everything that doesn't work, works off of 12 volt. Maybe your battery went completely dead while it was plugged into the bad outlet.

    take the battery to have it load tested at any auto store.

    And don't run the A/C on a 100' extension cord.
  • check for bad battery - everything that works is 110 volt, everything that doesn't work, works off of 12 volt. Maybe your battery went completely dead while it was plugged into the bad outlet.

    take the battery to have it load tested at any auto store.