Forum Discussion

ugabulldog's avatar
Oct 01, 2018

help with removing side mounting bracket

The previous owner of Tundra had a truck camper and I am trying to remove side mounting brackets. I have removed back wedge piece that held onto frame lip, see pic, I have pried down on bracket and it won't budge, I wanted to make sure there wasn't anything else holding it on before I pried any harder? Also first pic shows another Tundra without bracket installed. Thanks.
  • Do you have enough threads to double nut the stud with the OEM nut on it?
    If I'm looking at the right pic....If going inside the cab isn't what you want to do, may consider getting a cheap sacrificial socket and drilling out the drive end so it will go over the stud, hold the hex end of the stud, and tighten the socket with locks pipe wrench etc.