Forum Discussion

papK's avatar
Jun 13, 2014

Holiday Rambler Travel Trailer Water Heater Troubles

We bought a 25' Holiday Rambler travel trailer last year and upon start-up this summer we're having problems getting the water heater to light. There are no manuals for the camper and switches all over the place that I'm not sure about. In the bathroom at the waste water panel there are "pump" and "heater" switches. Near the kitchen sink is a water heater switch and on the water heater is a "on/off" switch. The gas is on and tank is full but it won't spark and ignite. I've tried turning on the switches and still nothing. Any help would be welcomed!
  • Found out that the "heater" switch on the waste water panel in the bathroom is for the propane side of the water heater. The lighted switch near the kitchen sink is for the 120 VAC side of the heater. It has a t-stat that is preset mounted next to the ECO control. Got it figured out and many tanks for all your input.
  • Plugged into 120V receptacle........
    Is the ON/OFF switch on backside of water heater ON? IF ON is the water HOT?

    IF HOT the propane will not fire until water temp cools to below 110*F

    The switch by sink with red light is for propane operation.
    IS the RED light ON?
    IF ON...'fault' has occurred during propane operation. Turn switch OFF then back ON to reset.

    You have to have good 12V DC power for propane to fire.
    ECO (high temp t-stat) and normal t-stat in outside compartment (180*F/140*F 12V DC)

    You only need 120V AC for electric to 12V DC needed for the electric on your vintage of Atwood.
    AC circuit breaker........ON/OFF switch....element if element isn't bad.
    ECO (high temp t-stat) and normal t-stat for electric on backside of WH tank by element (180*F/140*F 120V AC)

    Water pump has to be ON for water to flow (or connected to a water hose via connection on RV) Switch in bathroom..'pump'

    'Heater' switch probably for waste tank heater pads.....they could be 12V DC or 120V AC
  • The water heater has water and gas. We have the trailer plugged into a 120 volt receptacle. The water heater is an Atwood Mobile Products model GC6AA-9E and is a 6.2 gallon unit. I have experience with all types of residential(in home) heat, vent and plumbing just not so much with campers. Guess they're similar in that they need power, gas and ignition. I'm just a little iffy on all the switches. The one by the sink has a red light and I'm thinking that the one in the bathroom on the waste water storage panel is a heater for the storage tank but there is also a pump switch on that panel?? Really appreciate all the help!!!
  • It would help to have the make and model of the water heater and also the year of the trailer as there are many configurations on how these are set up.
  • Be sure you have water in the water heater tank before you do anything. The on/off on the water heater is for the electric heat element. It only works when you are plugged into shore power. The water heater switch by the sink - probably has a red light next to it. That is for using the heater on gas. It needs 12V to ignite, is your battery charged? Is it possible that you are plugged in and the electric heat has the water hot enough that the gas doesnt need to fire?