DownTheAvenue wrote:
I know little about truck campers, but.......I don't see any tie downs from the camper to the truck. Am I missing something? Also, that camper just looks like it is dwarfing that truck. It looks much too big!
First, welcome to the Forum, Wiredgeorge!!! Thanks for your courage to post this on the Truck Forum so others might learn from your post and experiences.
The truck appears to be tied to the bed via simple turnbuckles from the hardware store. These are notorious for breaking, when not grade hardened. Also, the TC is mounted to the Stake Holes in the top of the bed. The result to overstressing these points is expensive damage to the bed and outside skin of your truck, too. Not a real good solution.
Obviously there was a reason for not showing the entire photo. I am always suspicious when a person does not disclose the whole story and not providing this makes me feel this way. It appears the TC is a Long Bed TC on a Short Bed truck. Never a great solution, but is if reversed, Short Bed TC on a Long Bed Truck. Center of Gravity is important in many factors, braking, acceleration from traffic Signals and going up hills which is prevalent in many locations around the USA.
While you mention all the factors you are aware of but your reasoning is expense to you. So be it. Weighing the two parts will give you more accurate information than just scouring the internet, including here. Take your truck to the scale with the TC and then without it.
While you are not concerned I believe once you do upgrade your truck to a better prepared/capable truck you will be SHOCKED in how you impression will change.
Good luck with your new TC and thanks for coming here and sharing, but hope you will visit often here with questions and your own participation with helping us.