Ron, I read all 5 pages of the other thread. One thing you said at least a couple of times was there could be washers or a spacer behind the plate where the top bolt goes through. To me that was the perfect solution. I was amazed that almost no one commented on that idea. They kept saying the same things over and over which made little sense to me.
This morning I went over to a very good hardware store, you know the kind with all of the little specialty boxes, to find the "right" spacer. I bought a metric jam nut that is 14mm x 1.5 pitch. The top bolt just slides through this nut. It is just the right thickness. I have adjusted the bottom bolt to give me what I think is the correct tension on the brake pad. By putting the spacer in I am able to consistantly put the correct tension on the bar once I finalize the adjustment on the lower bolt. Notice in the second photo that the rocker pivot is about centered.
Thanks for the great idea.