I agree with Scott G. One of the selling points of PEX line is it's ability to handle expansion due to freezing. Normally, PEX can freeze hard one or two times with no damage. Yes, you had some fixture damage, but those are hard points with no ability to expand. So those were the first places that broke.
Make sure you have all water pressure off (pump/hose).
Heat the rig up with your furnace and portable heaters to thaw the lines.
If you can reach a line, a quick way to thaw it is to wrap it in cloth, and pour hot water on it.
You can also use a hair dryer on medium heat. However, be careful. PEX lines are potentially damaged if they are heated to more than 200 degrees farenheit.
Once the lines are thawed out, replace your fixtures, pressurize the system and check for leaks. I betting you'll not encounter any leaks in the PEX itself. If you do, replace the entire line if possible instead of just replacing the area of the leak. This is because the expansion that caused the break likely weakend the entire section of line. Replacement of the line is very straightforward, and there are plenty of youtube videos that show you how to do it.
As for the traps, once the rig comes up to temperature run water through them and inspect them for damage.