otrfun wrote:
... FWIW, I've heard you can get a DPF cut-open, cleaned, and welded back together for about a 1/3 the cost of a new one.
That would be technique used by butcher.
DPF cleaning follows up the technology and now in any bigger US city you will find a shop who does ultrasonic cleaning.
In Europe they have several different techniques - from plain water pressure flushing to use of solvents.
But from my (so far limited) experience - the main issue with DPF is shutting the engine off with unfinished regeneration process.
For some reasons manufacturers did not include any indication of regeneration, what is big issue with vehicles used for short commute, but now ScanGauge made X-gauges who will show regeneration status and soot %.
That is great help in keeping DPF healthy for life of the engine.
And again- Ford made very advanced WI-FI truck connection, where my truck talks to headquarters behind my back, what results in monthly health reports, but those reports don't include DPF status.
Go figure.
So in my final conclusion, DPF might not be the best technology on the market and some countries already legalized DPF delete, but that doesn't change the facts about diesel superiority.
Soon gasoline engines will have to reach next low emission levels and who knows how that will go?