Sometimes it's just the luck of the draw. I used to be a bowtie fan and I bought a new 96 Dodge 360 gas auto cuz they were the only one w/o a tow restriction in OD. I had sh!t for luck with the 700r4 in my 91 chevy. My bro had a 92 chev 350/700r4 and we both pulled 5k lb RVs and he burnt up his tran trying to keep up with my Dodge. Then, my last 2 gm cars drove me nuts and broke with electronic problems. I've enjoyed all I can stand of gm's! I was driving a 92 3/4T 8.1 with 42k miles at work and it left me stranded 3 times and it couldn't stay out the shop. A 94 8.1 with 34k miles came up for grabs so I jumped on it. It's been better but neither of those 2 gm trucks can come close to the quality of the 3 dodges I've had/have. Craig