pjay9 wrote:
I wonder how much other stuff is out there without permission, but maybe since this is a public,so to speak, place no permission has to be asked...I am sure the legals here will fill us in.
Post your results here. Funny and fun!
A Google search result does not currently require "permission".
That photo was posted on rv.net and probably posted by yourself.
If your photo was used by the Lance company "without permission" then it would be a violation of copyright infringement even though you did not formally file a copyright with the
US Copyright OfficeUS and international copyright law provides copyright protection the moment the creative piece is created.
US law varies a little bit.
If you post a photo online it is considered "published" after a specified period of time.
If you have filed a copyright on it then user beware!
This blogger got stung for $8,000 USDOnce it is "published" the legal remedy severely limits the amount of money for which one can sue.
"Fair Use" also plays a part. . .
The moral of the story is don't take stuff that one doesn't own.
Perhaps of interest:
Copyright Infringement (Forbes)Fair Use DoctrinePhotographer's Survival ManualPhotographer's Legal GuideTutorial for online copyright registraion/RANT
Good post. . .and a fun project!
Sorry for the rant.